Latest news from the DPLR project
The Libraries at Durham University and Durham Cathedral are now closed to the public until further notice, and the project staff are working from home. Much though we would like to, we can’t take our cameras and manuscripts home with us, so sadly, digitisation has been suspended for the time being.
We were excited to upload our 200th manuscript (MS. C.I.16 – Aristotle, Logica vetus et nova) earlier this year, and we now have a total of 216 books and manuscripts available online; the most recent addition being MS. B.I.17, Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III and Scriptum super Sententiis (liber IV). We hope that you will continue to use our currently available resources to further your research (or to simply pass the time by looking at something amazing and beautiful!).
Work on the project has not stopped. We had already started building a new, expanded website and we will continue to take this forward, in the hope of launching it later this year. We will also continue to review, update and expand all of our online resources. If you are a regular user of this WordPress site (www.durhampriory.ac.uk) or our Mediawiki (www.durhampriory.ac.uk/mediawiki), and you have any suggestions for how they can be improved, do send us your ideas.
As always, we are interested in your research and would love to hear how you are using the digital manuscripts. If you want to share your work with us, please send a few paragraphs and image suggestions that we can publish on this blog.
Email: caroline.g.dewath@durham.ac.uk
Best wishes, stay safe and take care of yourselves,
The DPLR project team